10mm Chaos Dwarf Axeman Regiment Three

In the last week I've finished off another regiment of Chaos Dwarf Axemen for my 10mm Chaos Dwarf army for Warmaster Revolution.  These are all 3D printed figures bought from MGS Miniatures.   

I did the first two regiments of axemen last year, but this lot had a load of broken axes. I couldn't face fiddling about with them at the the time when I had so many others to be getting on with.  Now I've got the numbers down I bit the bullet and spent a frustrating couple of hours re-attaching the axes.  Painful but necessary.  

I kept the colour palette a bit more muted for these with more grey and black to contrast with red and blue.  All of the regiments have their own colour scheme.  Now I've nearly finished the Chaos Dwarf army I've almost perfected my painting method.  Always the way!


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