10mm Hobgoblin Wolf riders

The latest addition to my 10mm Warmaster Revolution Chaos Dwarf army is a unit of Hobgoblin Wolf Riders. 

These are 3D printed figures by AnkyloMiniatures from MGS Miniatures.  I knocked these out very quickly, probably because I've been painting nothing but 10mm for months now and I've finally got the knack of it!   

I used the same colour palette as I did for the unit of Hobgoblins.  This was focused on a few primary colours for smaller areas such as the standard, hats, shields etc. and muted natural colours for the larger areas.  I think it's worked well.  

This was the last real unit for the Chaos Dwarf army.  I have a pair of Hobgoblin Bolt throwers and the Chaos Dwarf general himself to do and then the army will be ready to wreak havoc.  


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