10mm Hobgoblins

The latest unit for my 10mm Warmaster Revolution Chaos Dwarf army is a regiment of Hobgoblins. 

There's 36 of these pesky varmints in the unit, 12 to a base.  The sculpts are by  AnkyloMiniatures, bought as part of an army deal from MGS Miniatures.  

These are lovely characterful sculpts, the details are incredible on something so small, and I doubt could have been achieved on anything apart from 3d sculpts. 

This is a mixed unit with archers, close combat troops and even some Sneaky Gits mixed in.  This gives great variety on each strip with none of them the same. 

The Chaos Dwarf army is coming along well now.  I'm aiming to get most of it done by Salute. 


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