April 2023 Hobby update

April's been a bit of an odd month hobby wise. I started off very focused and finished off the last few 10mm Warmaster Revolution units early in the month. I then lost all motivation for about a week with nothing in my hobby stash interesting me enough to work on. Reading The Centurions started getting me back on track. Then after prevaricating until 1030 on the day, I made up my mind and went to Salute 50 and had a cracking time which has filled me with enthusiasm as well as filling my hobby stash. Completed This month all of my figure painting has been finishing off the last elements for my 10mm Warmaster Revolution armies. I've completed the following: The Chaos Dwarf General. And then for the Ogre Kingdoms: A unit of 6 Ogre Rhinox Riders. A slave giant. The Ogre Tyrant to lead my Ogre Kingdoms army. In progress The following are in progress: 1/72nd H-21 and H-34 helicopters for the Algerian War project. These are Pia...