Chaos Dwarf General and Ogre Kingdoms Tyrant

I finished off the 10mm Warmaster Revolution project by painting the Chaos Dwarf General and Ogre Kingdoms Tyrant. 

The Chaos Dwarf General came moulded on quite a nice scenic base, which set the miniature off well.  

The figure itself was easy to paint being very simple with not too much on him really. All axe and hat!

The Ogre Kingdoms Tyrant is a hulking great brute as would be expected.  Really lovely figure to paint full of detail.

The original that MGS Miniatures provided in the order last year had the haft of the axe missing, I suppose it's what they called a failed print.  I contacted MGS and then had to chase them, but they did get round to sending me the replacement so I was able to finish the army. 

That's the 10mm Warmaster Revolution project finished for the time being.  I'll do some photos of each army next and post them.


  1. Lovely paint work! Those really are nicely done. BTW How do you think 3D printed 10mm will hold up during play? I've been nervous about that, preferring metal. Of course, I need to hit the MegaMillions Lottos to afford old GW WM specialty pieces, like Steam Tank. LoL.

    1. Thanks very much. I'm a bit worried how these will stand up. If you've read any of my posts about these figures a near constant comment is breakages I don't have much experience of 3d printed figures, so I'm not sure whether they're all like this or just the resin the manufacturer used. They would need careful handling when gaming. Yes you don't have the worry with metal, but as you say you'd need a lot of money for GW WM. Unless you are printing your own I don't think 3d printing is any cheaper than metals like Pendraken etc.


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