10mm Ogre Rhinox Riders

The final unit to bring my 10mm Warmaster Revolution Ogre Kingdoms army up to 1000 points is this unit of Rhinox Riders. 

These are 3D printed figures by Teremki Studios and bought from MGS Miniatures.  

The Teremki scuplts have been lovely to work on.  They're easy to paint being like chunky 15mm and are full of little details.  I really like the Rhinoxes.  Each one is subtly different.  They were a bit of a pain to fit on the bases but I think they look alright. 

There's been the usual breakages problem which I've had with both the Ogres and the Chaos Dwarfs.  The most noticeable with this batch being the missing horn blower's horn.  He now looks like he's eating the end of a baguette!  

If MGS Miniatures ever get round to sending me the replacement Ogre Tyrant for the failed print they sent in my original order then I'll be able to finish the army! 


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