First Anglo-Sikh War - EIC Sepoy Regiment no2

This week I finished off another regiment of East India Company Sepoys for the First Anglo-Sikh War.

As usual all figures are 20mm Newline Designs.  This is the third regiment (two EIC Sepoy, one Sikh) that I've completed this year.  I've noticed a pattern: when I start slapping the paint on a unit I'm enthused; then about half way in I get a bit overawed by the effort involved and the repetitive painting; and then by the time I'm doing the last details I get a second wind and go back and do a fair few refinements.  This was the last large unit left out of the lead pile and I'm quite relieved by that.  

As with all the Newline figures I've done they paint up very well.  When I placed the order I asked Sean for an extra standard bearer which he duly sent.  The first Sepoy regiment only has the one.  I'm not sure whether I'll bother buying a command pack just to get the one figure.  As it is I still need to sort out the standards, those shown here have been borrowed from the English regiment just for the photos.

When time allows and when I've replenished my stock of grass tufts and paint, I think I'll texture and paint the movement trays for all the infantry regiments to match the figure bases.  Nothing's every truly finished is it?

On the subject of the movement trays the ones that I ordered this year from Warbases are about 3mm wider than the ones from last year.  This is slightly irritating as the older ones fitted exactly in my filing cabinet with each regiment deployed in line three movement trays abreast.  Rather than waste my life filing down the new movement trays to fit,  I've just arranged them so all the Anglo-Indian figures are on the old trays and stored in column in the drawer.  The Sikh regular infantry are on the bigger trays but I only have two regiments of these so it works for the minute.  Storage is the wargamer's perrenial challenge after all. 

Next up for this project will probably be some artillery.  


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