New project - First Anglo-Sikh War, 20mm British infantry

The First Anglo-Sikh War is yet another conflict I've been meaning to "do" for ages .  I actually bought and completed a couple of packs of Newline Designs figures quite a few years back. But true to form something else diverted my attention.

Anyway over the last month or so either side of holiday, I've managed to complete my first unit - a British regular regiment loosely based on the 31st Regiment of Foot.

These are Newline figures in 20mm scale. I'm a big fan of 20mm or thereabouts (be it 1/72 or 1/76) and a big fan of Newline.  The service from Sean Pereira is excellent and these are very nice figures at a ridiculously competitive price of £9.80 for a regiment of 24,  19 rank and file and 5 command figures. 40p a figure.  Come on you can't go wrong with that. 

For maximum flexibility for different games, these are based individually on 15mm square bases. They're on three 4x2 movement trays, all from Warbases. The bases were covered in my usual sand mix and painted Citadel Dheneb Stone.  All the grass tufts are from Tajima and are mixed sized from the Gold and Battlefield sets.  The whole surface of the bases and the ends of the tufts were then drybrushed with VMC Iraqi Sand and then a lighter final highlight of VMC Light Sand. I'm undecided if I'll texture the movement trays.

The flags are generic Napoleonic ones I found on Warflag,com. I think they were from a sheet of British 28mm flags and I took them into Photoshop, cut out the two I wanted and resized them when I printed them out. They're not correct but I couldn't find a source for Sikh Wars flags and didn't think it was worth paying out for TVAG ones. Maybe if I do more units I will do that.

I enjoyed working on these. I like the sculpts and I don't often paint colourful uniforms. I also enjoyed production line painting which gives a good sense of progress and achievement.  I'm intrigued by the 19th Century wars apart from the Napoleonic Wars strangely which would be heresy for some. But I fully appreciate why people are die-hard Naps fans with all the colour and glory. 


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