First Anglo-Sikh War - Sikh regiment no2

I'm very pleased to have got some proper hobby time in and completed this Sikh regiment of Newline Designs 20mm figures.  

These were mostly painted in the same way as the first regiment I did (see here and here).  However, I chose to paint this batch with dark trousers and with different facings and turbans.  These colours were based on what I found on Internet searches.  I have no idea how accurate these are and I didn't base them on any particular historical regiment.  I've had too many real things to think about to care too much, but I enjoyed painting them and I like them!  

I have a whole load of Afghans that I'm going to use for a Sikh irregular regiment, so this and the first regiment will form a brigade.  The scope of the first stage of the project was brigade size so this is a  significant milestone achieved. 

I've enthused about the Newline Designs Sikh Wars range enough in my previous posts.  I bought these and a whole load more for the project in the winter sale.  This regiment cost £7.35 which works out at 30p per figure.  That's cheaper than most 15mm figures.  Cost is becoming more of an issue with most manufacturer's being forced to raise their prices in recent months as well as costs rising in every sector.  Even at non-sale prices Newline offer exceptional value.  

My only slight criticism is that of the two marching infantryman poses I only got 5 of one pose which skewed the symmetry of my unit.  Not sure why Sean at Newline chose to do this, but it's nothing major and I like how the regiment looks anyway.


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