First Anglo-Sikh War - Sikh firing line

Next off the painting table are these 12 Newline Designs Sikh regular infantry loading.  They form the rear rank of a regiment I'm working on.

Like all the Newline Sikh Wars figures I've worked on these are lovely to paint.  Clean sculpts with a good level of detail and good proportions.  I wish Newline did more ranges as I really like this size figure.  

For this batch I changed my usual process by gluing them to their bases and adding sand before priming.  I usually stick the figures to a temporary base for priming and painting and base them properly when they're been painted and varnished.  Basing first is a much more efficient way of completing units, speeding up the process as  you don't have to wait for the sand to harden before painting it and adding the finishing touches.  By the time the figure is painted and varnished the sand is as hardened as it'll ever get .  The figures being individually based facilitates this of course. 

I've not had too much hobby time over the last couple of weeks so I chose to only do 12 out of the regiment of 24.  I've got the front rank of 8 firing figures and 4 command figures to do to complete this unit.  Realistically they'll not be done until later on in the month.  


  1. I love the paint job and basing. Great sculpts.

    1. Thanks Sgt. It helps when the sculpting is so well done.

  2. We must be living in an age of plenty for a Sikh Wars range to be available in my favourite scale of 20mm. The conflict has long intrigued me but I'm afraid the similarity of the two sides' uniforms does put me off. Lovely figures all the same; I shall definitely be following your progress with interest.

    1. That's true there's so much available nowadays it can be almost too much. I didn't think too much about the similarity when I started, but there is a danger of getting a dose of red fatigue!


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