The hobby week - 04 March - 11 March

I've been back in the office this week and had a deadline to meet so hobby time has been a bit curtailed.  I have managed to finish some bits off though.  


  • Completed the Battlezone US Marines with head swaps - see here.  
  • Completed some Battlezone WW2 Red Army riflemen.  
  • Redid the bases for my Elhiem French Paras for Algeria - see here.  This is the last of the existing figures that I've redone for the Algeria project.  
  • I've been playing about with a hot wire cutter and polystyrene making some basic hill shapes.


  • Finally finished A Savage War of Peace.  What a superb book it is.  It's a pity that due to my eye sight problems that I found it a bit of a strain.  
  • I prepared an Algerian scenario for a game of Ambush Alley.  More on this next time,


  • Nowt! Waiting on a few orders to come in.


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