More ALN fighters for the Algerian War

I finished off another batch of ALN fighters for the Algerian War this week.

They are all Battlezone (ex. Sgt, Major) Miniatures with 6 coming from the USMC 1943-44 Rifle Squad pack and the bazooka man from the US Airborne support pack. All have had their M1 helmeted heads replaced with heads kindly supplied by Steve at Battlezone.   I didn't do a couple of the heads that well but I don't have any spares and couldn't be arsed to take them off and redrill them etc.

With the exception of the bazooka man the minimal kit that the USMC figures are wearing suits perfectly for ALN mujahedeen.  They fit very well with the  USMC raiders I used for the first batch (see here).  The ALN force is growing nicely now.  

Apart from adding a few more khaki items of clothing, they were painted in exactly the same way as the first batch so check the above link for full details.  

The bazooka man is well equipped.  Although I have given him the customary "Algerian moustache" I wonder if he wouldn't do better as a para/disaffected para/pied noir.  "A bazooka for Monsieur Salan perhaps?  Mon dieu!"  

My favourite three


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