ALN fighters for the Algerian War

I finished off my first batch of Battlezone Miniatures USMC Raiders this week.  They'll be used as ALN fighters for the Algerian War project.

I had two packs of five but of the ten, one was a duplicate BAR gunner and I don't like any duplicate figures in skirmish scale games.  That figure is in the spares bin now.  The other was in a vest so not what I was looking for.  He's had a free transfer to the French Indo-China War project where he fits in better. 

I didn't do anything in the way of converting these.  They're probably a bit overequipped in terms of webbing, but I have seen seen photos of ALN units in full webbing so I'll use them as a better equipped squad,  They're also well equipped weapons wise, so they'll fit in better for the era I'm particular interested in gaming which is 1957 and 1958.  This was when the French were making more use of 'copters and honing their COIN tactics.  

The paint job was simple.  The skin was painted first with Citadel Tallarn Flesh and then washed with AP Soft Tone.  The Tallarn Flesh was then used to add some highlights.

For the uniform base coats I varied between VMC Russian Green, US Drab and Green Grey.  Highlights were added by adding varying proportions of Green Grey,  The whole lot was then washed with AP Military Shader.  

I used VGC Khaki washed with VGC Sepia for the webbing.  The boots and packs were Citadel Calthan or Vermin Brown.  The wooden areas of the weapons were VMC Flat Brown, with AP Matt Black for the metal.  Once the figures were varnished I added on suitable moustaches with a fineliner pen and then highlighted the metal areas of the weapons with an HB pencil.  

I'm happy enough with the finished results.  I've probably spent more time on trying to get a good colouring scheme for the bases than painting the figures.  And I'm still not completely happy with it. 

My favourite three

I've tried endless variations and have more or less settled on a base of Dulux Sumatran Sunset, drybrushed with the Dulux mix  of VMC Iraqi Sand I had made up.  The base was then washed with AP Strong Tone.  I finished off with a further drybrush of Iraqi Sand and lighter drybrush of Citadel Dheneb Stone and VMC Pale Sand.  Finally I added varying tones of static grass and some of my homemade clump foliage.   I lightly drybrushed the figures with Iraqi Sand to add a final top highlight.  


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