That was 2021 - end of year report

It seems only moments since I wrote my half year report at the end of June and here I am summarising 2021. 

The Covid pandemic still impacts all aspects of life.  I returned to the work place briefly before the work from home instruction was issued again.  No complaints from me.  Let's see what transpires as we go through January.

 Achievements 2nd half of the year

  • Completed 99 figures - 64 20mm, 29 15mm and 6 28mm.
  • Based all my medium deciduous trees.
  • Based all my large conifer trees.
  • Based all my palm trees.
  • Made a load more scatter terrain for jungle games and spruced up my old jungle scatter terrain.
  • Based all my small trees for 6mm on temporary bases.
  • Made some hedges for 6mm games.
  • Made some fields.
  • Had a go at making a jungle terrain mat (still needs work).
  • Made multi-figure movement bases for my 1/76th SHQ WW2 collection.
  • Added magnets to the bases of all my 28mm WW2 collection.
  • Researched a lot of potential new periods.  I've read about the Northern Crusades and the Teutonic Knights, the Ottoman conquests,  The French Wars of Religion and The Mexican Revolution amongst others.
  • Assembled and painted a 28mm Old West well.
  • Made two Old West wagons.
  • Completed 20 28mm farm animals to be used as scatter terrain pieces.

Games played

  • Bolt Action 15mm Burma WW2 skirmish 
  • Honours of War 6mm Seven Years Wars 

How did I do against the plans I made in June?

Aspirations for existing projects

  • Complete 28mm German WW2 Winter infantry (for AE:WW2/Dieselpunk games) 👍
  • Continue with 20mm Sikh Wars project - complete British infantry regiment 👍; Sikh Dragoon regiment 👍and Sikh Generals 👍
  • Buy more figures for the Sikh Wars project 👍Sikh infantry regiment completed 👍
  • Buy figures to complete 28mm German WW1 platoon 👎
  • Buy figures to start 28mm French WW1 platoon 👎
  • Base conifer trees 👍
  • Base smaller deciduous trees 👍
  • Work on 15mm Mediterranean village👎

I'm quite happy with that progress.  I've met all the main objectives and as two related to the on-hold 28mm WW1 project I've done OK.  There's a few things that I've been meaning to do for years like base all the trees and even though they weren't on the list, I was pleased to sort out my SHQ figures.  My favourite bit of painting was the British Sikh Wars infantry regiment I completed in July.  

New projects

  • Research and start new collection for either 15th C Eastern Europe or 17th C Eastern Europe  - I did the research but didn't start collecting 👎
  • Research another 19th C Colonial period 👎


  • Play a Zona Alfa game 👎
  • Play a Seven Years War game 👍
  • Play an AE:WW2 game 👎
  • Play a Bolt Action Far East game 👍

All in all then I didn't do too bad.  I'd have liked to have played more games but one of my new rules is to only play when I can put a good looking table together.  And this takes time to make the terrain pieces.  

As we go into the New Year the number of outstanding figures stands at just 24.  Almost all of my trees are now finally based.  My collections are much better organised so I'm in a healthy position.  I'm at the position I've wanted to be in for awhile where if I buy some new pieces I can get on with them straightaway rather than them just joining the queue.

Thanks to everyone who has visited this blog and all the best for 2022.


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