Movement bases for 1/76th WW2 figures - part 4 finishing off texturing the bases

If you're interested in the thinking behind these bases and the previous stages please look here, here and here.

For this final stage I wanted to add some texture to the edges of the 2p movement bases not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to provide a sort  of cup for the figures to sit in.  I mused about using household filler or Milliput/green stuff but felt I couldn't do this neatly enough.  In the end I opted to use sand.

I'd already marked out the position for a  figure on each 2p.  I carefully brushed PVA onto the outer part of each coin and then dipped them in a pot of fine sand.  Using fine sand for this initial layer meant I could get a neat "doughnut" of sand on the coin.  

I waited for these to harden and then added a layer of mixed sand.  Once this layer had set I added a further layer of mixed sand.  I could have gone on doing this if I'd wanted to sink the figures base further on the movement base but I quite liked how they looked at this stage so stayed with the three.  

The following day I tidied up the bases by trimming any tape that showed on the edges.  For the next batch I'll do this tidy up before I add any sand.  I also had to scrape away some sand which prevented the figures sitting well on the bases.

Once this was done I painted the edges of the coins with some Humbrol enamel 131 Mid Green that I found.  This is very close to Citadel Goblin Green but being enamel is much tougher.  Before cleaning the brush I drybrushed the sand to add some interest.  

The final stage was to add some static grass.  This was the same type that I'd use on the original figure bases so blended perfectly.  

And that's the first batch of bases done.  Above right is a panzer-grenadier platoon on their movement bases.  I'm very pleased to say the process has worked, I've got some tweaks to make for the next batch and I should be able to speed up the process.


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