Movement bases for 1/76th WW2 figures - part 3 making the bases

The day after preparing the figures I grabbed a bag of 2ps to get on with making the movement bases.  The first job was to mark out where the figures were to go.  I got one of my least favourite figures, postioned him centrally on a 2p and drew round him.  And repeated another 50 or so times.  I did this so when I painted the 2ps I would ensure leaving a gap where the magnet would be.

The next step was to form the movement bases.  Initially I went for three figure trays.  Ask any designer or gardener - things look best in threes.  I used a commercially bought 1p movement tray to get the general shape.  I did vary the angle of these as well as I didn't want them to be all the same.  The 2ps were initially joined by lengths of duct tape.  This is exceptionally strong and quite flexible but it's horrid to cut with scissors.  Once the bases were formed I cut away any excess tape with a sharp hobby knife.  

This forms the basic shape but it's a bit wobbly.  I therefore cut some small lengths (5mm x 8mm) of plastic card to stick across the 2ps.  Once superglued into place these really give some extra strength to them.

My initial batch was 6 bases just enough for a Panzer grenadier platoon.  The next step will be to add some paint and texture to them.  


  1. Hope you checked that all these pennies are magnetic. Some won't be.

    1. Yes Jim I found that out early on and spent a few hours sorting them out before starting making up the bases.

    2. You do know that you can buy bases like these and they are a better finish.

    3. Yes in the first post I talk about this and why they're not suitable where I also mention about checking the 2ps. As to a better finish let's see how mine turn out.


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