Movement bases for 1/76th WW2 figures - part 2 initial figure preparation

With all the coins checked and the magnets having finally arrived I could get on with the next phase which was to attach all the magnets to the underside of the figures.

As mentioned in the introduction post, the figures were based on washers which are much more magnetic than the base of the figure and the magnets automatically snapped to them.  To resolve this I prepared a load of green stuff and added a blob to the bottom of each base.  I always find green stuff much easier to work with if you put it in your pocket for awhile before use to warm it up.  I also found a useful video on the best way to mix it here.  This method worked well (the relevant bit of the video is from 20 seconds to 50 seconds).

Germans in progress

It was then a simple matter to pop the magnet into the centre of each blob and then press the figure down on a flat surface to even it out.  

Partisans all green stuffed with nowhere to go

To speed things up I found it better to separate out a load of magnets and space them out on the cutting mat.  Then using a pointed metal craft tool I could attach a magnet to the tip of it and press them in precisely.

Red Army magnetised

I did all of my 100 or so German, Red Army and Partisans in a couple of hours.  It's on to creating the bases next. 


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