Quick tree bases and hedges for 6mm

After making some fields in preparation for my Seven Years War game, my thoughts turned to that staple of the wargames battlefield - trees.  All the trees bases I prepared for the Great Tree Project are for bigger scale games and would look bizarre on the 6mm battlefield.  I had some work to do.

First off I checked what I had.  I had a small collection of suitable sized trees and also a big bag of cheapo eBay trees from China.  Of course all of this stuff has been sitting about for ages maybe 20 years or more.  A major factor in basing all the large trees was to preserve my terrain boards (rather than just sticking the trees direct into the polystyrene) and also to help with game setup time and I wanted to continue with this idea.  I needed some bases. 

Looking in my bases box I came across those from when I rebased my Franco-Prussian war collection.  I'd managed to carefully prise the figures off and leave the bases in good condition. They're plastic card already painted and flocked.  Huzzah!!! Perfect for the job.  Being tight and trying to recycle does pay off.

The cavalry bases were a perfect size and I had quite a few of these. A quick snip of the corners to make them more irregular.  A quick paint job with Citadel Goblin Green over the corners and where the figures had originally been.  

 A quick flocking on these areas.  All ready for the trees.

I used my trusty Archimedes drill to drill the holes and then a file to enlarge them. The trees were pushed through and for some I trimmed the wire trunks underneath.  I didn't bother gluing them as I may do a more thorough job on these later and I wanted to get that game played.

They do the job nicely but I need more small trees!  

Finishing this quicker than anticipated I then made some hedges,  These were even easier to do,  Using the old FPW infantry bases which were longer and thinner, I skipped a few of the stages above and just re-flocked where necessary.  I then drilled two, three or four holes dependant on the base length and then popped one of the cheap eBay trees through each of the holes.  I pulled them right through and then snipped off the wire with scissors flattening them on the base.  A dab of superglue to secure them and instant hedgerows.  

Hedgelaying 6mm scale in progress


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