Dirt cheap fields

Having reduced the number of outstanding figures to only nine, yes NINE I've designated the rest of August as terrain making month.

My battlefields look dull.  No hiding it.  Time to do something about it. 

My 6mm Seven Years War collection has been sitting idle for over 10 years while I looked at various rules,  Now I've got a set that fits what I wanted I'm itching to play a game.  Just plonking the lovely  Timecast buildings on a terrain board doesn't cut the mustard with me anymore. Fields were needed.

I found an old flannel (wash cloth for international readers which was a suitable starting point.

The brown area is paint!

Next using cheap craft paint purchased years ago from The Works I painted the whole thing a suitable dark brown and left it to dry overnight.

Left side is brown paint, right drybrushed Yellow Ochre

Then using either Citadel Goblin Green, VCG Khaki or VMC Yellow Ochre I heavily drybrushed parts of the flannel with an old brush.

Next I cut the cloth into suitable field sizes.  Finally I painted the cut edges and the back of the edges to stop it fraying. 

I also added some grass tufts suitably trimmed and some bits cut from old kitchen scourers to represent hedges, bushes etc just to add a bit more interest.

Dirt cheap (probably dirty in fact), very quick and easy to make and very satisfying.


  1. Hey - cool blog and an excellent idea! I might have to adapt it to my 15mm games. Thanks

  2. Hi Eric.
    Thanks very much. I was surprised at how well this worked. I'm going to try out some other methods and will post those too.


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