August 2024 hobby update

I'd decided at the end of July that as soon as I'd completed those in progress, that I'd be having a break from painting figures. I've kept to that. I'm not a summer person and I’ve struggled for motivation this month. It’s not helped by my hobby table being in a South facing room so my hobby time is limited to evenings, by which time my eyes are frazzled from work. I'm hoping to get my mojo back and accomplish more next month. However, I did update my Ovelists ( gaming and doing ) inspired by the Hobby Support Group, and that made me feel a bit better seeing the items being checked off. Completed I've not managed to fully complete much this month. These were almost done at the end of last month: 28mm Warlord Games WW2 Germans Grenadiers. The main colours were done and it was a case of doing the camo on the Zeltbahns and the details. I made one as an SS NCO using arms from the Early War Germans and a head from the DAK set. The ...