June 2024 hobby update

That's June gone. I've continued making steady progress, completing a further 11 28mm figures (88 done out of the 128 that I started the year with). I've made a decent start on the 15mm Early Imperial Rome project now as well. I also played another two games, giving two rulesets I've long wanted to play a try. Overall I'm very satisfied with my hobby year at this halfway point. Completed I didn't have too much on the table to finish off at the end of May: In the first week of June I finished the Victrix Armoured Late-Romans. I completed these as a unit of noble Germanic warriors. You can see more here . 28mm Print Minis Bitter Nightshades. These are some 3D printed figures I picked up last year and the first real Sci-Fi figures I've ever painted. Packed with detail, just as I thought I'd finished them I'd see something else to do so they took awhile! I'll do a post detailing these when I get time. In progress 15mm Cromarty Forg...