28mm Victrix Armoured Germanic Noble Warriors

June started well as I completed the Victrix late-Roman Armoured Warriors I'd started on in May.

I only had the one sprue of six to do and I finished them as noble Germanic/Gothic warriors.  They'll do as a unit of five with a leader, or I could use one as a champion and field a smaller unit for Warlords of Eherwon, which are the rules I'm currently using.  They're a nice addition to the Germanic force providing a bit of muscle. 

As with all the Victrix kits they're top quality.  I was provided with a separate head sprue as well which is overkill really.  I have so many spare heads now I really don't know what to do with them.  It's a pity you can't buy the bits separately but that'd undo the whole business model I suspect.  Although some of it may get used for kitbashing unless you want to make a 20 headed monster all this plastic is going to sit there unused and inevitably it'll be thrown away.  I'm really not comfortable with the waste aspect of plastic figures.  

The shields are all Little Big Man transfers, hideously expensive really for what they are, but they finish them off well.  They're tacked on at the moment, one day I'll get round to gluing all the Germanics shields on properly. 

That's the last of the foot and the last unit for this first stage of the late-Roman project.  I'll be taking a break from it now while I work on other projects and also work out what cavalry I need to add to the forces.


  1. Lovely painting and I do love the hugely expensive shield decals too, how about a display of severed trophy heads for the spares?

    1. Thanks very much, it's gratifying someone actually reads the old cobblers I write 😃. That's not a bad idea re.the heads I'll steal that.

  2. Some great painting Andy. Love those sheilds.

    1. Thanks Ray. They were hand painted you know.......LBM transfers.

  3. They look great, like most other comments the shields look great, they're eye catching, but I like the consistency across the unit as whole.

    1. Thanks for noticing! That's what I tried to do with a restricted blue palette. Glad you like them.


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