28mm Victrix Late-Roman Archers and Slingers

When I first embarked on my Late-Roman project a year or so ago, I bought a few sample sprues from Gripping Beast, Wargames Atlantic and Victrix.  The Victrix one was from the Late Roman Archers and Slingers set.  The quality of these convinced me to choose Victrix for the project and I duly ordered up some sets.  After working my way slowly through these I finally went back to this original frame. 

These are absolutely lovely models.  There's loads of variety and they go together beautifully.  The instruction sheet which I got from the Victrix website makes a massive difference in this regard. 

I really enjoyed working on these.  They were quick to assemble and quick to paint up being in a uniform of sorts.  

I only have the one frame, but I took a couple of the bodies from some of the Dark Age Archers that I was working on at the same time (here) and added some spare arms to make another pair of staff slingers.  This worked pretty well adding variety to the poses.  I'll do similar to make another archer and another staff slinger to give me five of each which is enough for my late Roman force.  

And here's all of them together to give my late-Romans the ability to keep the barbarian hordes at bay from a distance.


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