28mm Victrix Dark Age Archers

In November I finally got my finger out to  finish the quintet of Victrix 28mm Dark Age Archers that had been on the table for awhile.  I really like this set as it's particularly versatile and you can make figures from Late-Romans right through to the Norse Age/early Medieval.  This is what I've done with this batch making a Gothic archer, two generic Dark Age warriors and two late-Romans. 

The Gothic archer was a straightforward build.  All the bits came from the Dark Age Archers set except the head with the distinctive Germanic topknot, which came from the Ancient Germans set.  

The two generic Dark Age warriors were also predominantly built from the Archers set.  The archer uses a head  from the Unarmoured Romans set and the arms for the spearman also came from that set.  

At the same time I was working on these I worked on a frame of Late-Roman Archers and Slingers (here).  I really like the staff slingers, so I used the spare staff slinger arms in combination with the last couple of Dark Age Archers bodies to make a couple more.  

I'm very pleased with how this batch turned out.  I've got less than two frames of the Dark Age Archers set to work on now, so I need to have a good think on how best to use them. 


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