More 28mm Dark Age warriors

As a bit of a palette cleanser while working my way through the 15mm Landsknechts, I started on a half dozen Victrix Dark Age Archers.   I'd completed a first batch of these in January and it was good to get back to them. 

The original intention was to use these as Norse warriors for my Ragnarok project.  Since then though I've been looking at making them more useable for a longer period of history.  Therefore, with the exception of the sword armed warrior who is very Viking, I've tried to make them quite generic. 

As before nearly all the parts came from the Victrix Dark Age Archers set, with a few extras from the Victrix Viking sprue.  These were used to make the sword and seax armed figures.  There was the usual amputations and other bits of minor surgery to make things fit and that's all part of the fun with these plastic figures.  I followed the same process as before and methodically took notes of what parts I used for each figure.  This helped to make sure that I make the figures as different as possible.  

As I was finishing these off I stated working on another plastic set from a very prolific, current manufacturer.  Whilst serviceable they don't come close to Victrix in terms of quality of pose, sculpting, number of parts or how well the parts all fit together or how versatile they are.  In my opinion Victrix are the plastic equivalent of a Paul Hicks sculpt. 


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