August 2023 Hobby update

August has been a good hobby month. After my return from holiday last month and finally grasping the nettle that was the 15mm Landsknechts I've made some steady progress. Completed I've completed the six Victrix warriors from the Dark Age Archers and Slingers set that I'd started at the end of July. I really enjoyed working on these, I can't praise Victrix figures enough. You can see more of them here . 15mm Grumpy's Landsknecht officers. These were lovely little characterful chaps. I painted these while doing the first batch of pikemen/halberdiers, but as they are based individually I could finish them off. 28mm Wargames Atlantic Second World War German Sentries. I knocked out a couple of sprues of these. There's more pics and my thoughts on the kit here . On the back of reading about the Seven Years War I had a look at my collection, specifically the terrain. I've never been that happy with the tree sta...