Warlords of Goria III - the Final - A Warlords of Eherwon/Celtos AAR


Since the semi-finals took place (here and here), I've been trying to get a long enough time slot to play the Goria final.  This weekend I finally got that chance.  The big match was between the Fir Bolg (Undead) who had previously trounced the Formorians (Orcs and Goblins), and the Sidhe (Elves) who beat the Gaels (Humans).  I used the same selections as I did for the previous games with the exception of adding a Cyclops to the Fir Bolg force to bring the points up to the Sidhe level of about 800 points.  You can see the lists here

Set up

To help randomise the game I number each unit and each order dice.  Then when I draw the order dice I play the appropriately numbered unit.  I also use this to randomly deploy the units, avoiding unconsciously matching up units during set up.  As an order dice is picked from the bag I deploy the unit working from top to bottom of the table/mat. 

Starting point (Sidhe at top)

Turn 1

The battle gets off to a bloody start with the Sidhe Archers first to be activated,  They Advance, moving forward and firing on the Skeleton Archers hitting four times and causing three casualties and a pin on the Skeleton bowmen.  The rest of the turn is the two sides advancing on each other.  The Skeleton Archers fail their Command roll so can't get off a volley and go Down but at least remove the pin.  The Elven Hero hits the Skeleton Archers but fails to score a casualty.  The Skeleton Archers pass their Recovery Test and their Order dice is returned to the bag.  End of turn.  

Position at end of Turn 1

Turn 2

The Skeleton Archers draw their Order dice first and Fire at the Sidhe Guards/Spearmen.  It's a long range shot and they only hit once but it kills one of the Sidhe who also take one pin.  The Skeleton Warscythes charge into the Sidhe Archers and Archer Hero,  The Sidhes get off a volley in the exchange of missiles and take out four of the Warscythes who break and take five additional pins for a total of six.  Not a good decision to charge Archers!  The remaining four Warscythes all hit and inflict three casualties.  The Archers response is to score three hits of which two cause casualties.  The Warscythes lose the combat and take another break test which they fail causing another four pins.  Their total number of pins is now higher than their Command stat so they are automatically destroyed.  

Sidhe Archers charged by the Skeleton Warscythes

The Skeleton Spearmen charge the Sidhe Retainers.  There's no exchange of missiles so straight into the Close Combat. The Spearmen inflict one casualty with no reply from the Sidhe.  The Sidhe pass their Break test.  The Spearmen elect to follow up, casuing another two casualties, losing one Spearman in return.  The Sidhe Retainers have now lost more than 50% of their number and also lost the combat so must take a break test which they pass, although they now have three pins.  The units consolidate. 

The Sidhe Archers pass their Order test removing a pin and Advance, firing on the Flesh Eaters.  Although they score two hits the Flesh Eaters resistance roll saves any casualties being inflicted.  

Using his Spectral Undead ability the Wraith crosses the rough ground without penalty, and charges the Sidhe Greatswords causing two casualties.  They strike back without success and even worse they fail their Break test for an additional five pins which automatically destroys the unit.  

The Sidhe Lord and his bodyguard charge into the flank of the Skeleton Spearmen cutting one down.  Their response is deflected by the Lord's spangly armour!  The Skeletons pass their Break test and the Lord decides to fight a follow up combat, destroying another skeleton with once again no reply.  The Skeleton Spearmen fail their break test adding another four pins but being Undead they are immune to routing.  The two sides consolidate.  

The Sidhe Lord in combat with the Skeleton Spearmen

The Flesh Eaters charge the Sidhe Archers who fire as they are charged, but although they score two hits they don't cause any casualties.  The Flesh Eaters score a whopping eight hits of which six get through wiping out the Sidhe Archers!  A radically different outcome to their exchange with the Skeleton Warscythes. 

The Elven Retainers pass their Order test (shedding a pin in the process) and renew their combat with the Skeleton Spearmen but they fail to do anything.  The Spearmen's response is overwhelmingly lethal with all seven hitting and wiping out the last two Sidhe Retainers.  

The Sidhe Hero fires at the Flesh Eaters and misses.  

The Cyclops charges the Elf Lord and one of his strikes penetrates his armour.  His return strikes does nothing as do his two bodyguards attempts.  The Cyclops follows up hitting three times but the Lord's armour saves him this time and once again they can't damage the Cyclops.  The sides disengage. 

The Sidhe Mage casts Fiery Balls on the Flesh Eaters incinerating two of them and the unit takes two pins.

The Sidhe Guard pass their Order test thereby losing their pin and charge the Flesh Eaters killing two.  The response kills one Sidhe.  The Flesh Eaters having accumulated four pins fail their break test and although they are immune to routing they pick up another three pins which pushes them over their Command stat so they are destroyed.  

The psychotic Flesh Eaters!

Although a very bloody round, neither side has lost 50% of it's units or it's leader so the battle continues into another turn.

Turn 3

The Sidhe Wizard casts Fiery Balls on the Skeleton Spearmen who manage to resist but still take two pins which means they have taken more pins than their command stat. The unit is classed as destroyed.  

The Sidhe Guard charge the Wraith and although they score four hits they fail to damage him and he cuts down a Guard in  return.  The Sidhe pass their Break test and combat is renewed.  Once again they fail to impact upon the Wraith who kills another two Guards.  This time they break and Rout.  

The Wraith in the process of routing the Sidhe Guard

The Cyclops attacks the Sidhe Lord causing a Wound.  He fails to do anything to the Cyclops.  Having lost the combat he rolls a 10 failing the break roll and takes two more pins and is Routed.    

The Cyclops and the Sidhe Lord in deadly combat

The Sidhe Hero fires at the Wraith but fails to damage him.  The enraged Wraith charges the Hero (who fires in the exchange of missiles but misses) and although hitting three times doesn't penetrate his armour. The responding attack by the Hero fails to wound the Wraith due to his Tough stat.  The Wraith then despatches the Hero with an overwhelming assault. 

In the last act of the turn the Skeleton Archers Fire at the Sidhe Mage and kill him!  The Sidhe have been wiped out or have routing units including their Lord.  That's the end of the game.

At game end - Sidhe rout (top of image)


There we have it.  The Fir Bolg are the undisputed Warlords of Goria with another demonstration of their power as they destroyed the Sidhe.  I thought that it would go the other way with the Sidhe Archers proving to be lethal early on.  If the luck of the dice had stayed with them they would have picked off a lot of the Fir Bolg.  However, once the the Flesh Eaters got at them and Wraith got into action the Sidhe couldn't cope.  

Warlords of Eherwon is a fast and fun game.  There's not a lot of tactics, it's a hack fest but it can be made to work well for solo play.  Being background and miniatures agnostic and with the full points mechanics available, you can make up your own forces to work with what you've got in your collection.  I'll definitely be exploring using it more.


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