The hobby week - 08 October to 14 October

The start of the week was quite productive hobby wise but it tailed off as work took over. 


  • I wrote up and published the AAR for a Warlords of Erehwon game using my Celtos figures.  You can read it here.  


  • I've stopped working on the 1/48th Revell/Eduard Sopwith Camel.  I've done as much of the assembly as I can, everything is painted and varnished and I've added all the decals.  I'm still unsure about how to tackle the rigging as I don't want to do anything that will make that even more fiddly.  I've therefore decided to leave it as is and return to it after I've looked into it more.

  • I've completed the first test strip of 10mm Chaos Dwarfs and have started on another 8 strips (40 figures).  That's half of that type in progress.
  • I've finally gotten round to painting a Butler's Printed Models 1/76th Stug 111G which I bought almost a year ago.  It's an old school resin print with lots of lines but I'm looking at it as if it's field applied zimmerit! 
Stuff in progress on the table

Research & Reading

  • I've nearly finished Pax Romana.  I got side-tracked and didn't get much reading time in this week and I've momentum with it which is a bit of a shame as it's a good read.     
  • I've been working on the army lists for Fir Bolg (Undead) and Formorians (Orcs, Goblins and Beastmen) for Warlords of Goria ready for my next game. 


  • No purchases this week. 


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