The hobby week - 13 August to 19 August

Quite a busy week on the hobby front.  I've some time off coming up so I'm trying to clear the decks before that and be in a good place to crack on for the last third of the year.  


  • I finished the three British Generals for the Sikh Wars thereby finishing all my outstanding Sikh Wars and 20mm figures.  You can see them here.
  • I've made some good progress with the sprue of Great Escape Games Gunfighters.  I previously used some of the arms when I made the Cultists (here), and now I've assembled and been painting the 5 models you can make from the sprue.

Research & Reading

  • I've finished reading "Vindolanda" by Adrian Goldsworthy.  I really enjoyed this and have already ordered the second one from the library.  Of course the danger is that I've been looking at the Imperial Roman period as a possible new project.  I've got a small 10mm Punic Wars collection already but I do like the idea of some Imperial Romans.  
  • I've been finishing off a new Ambush Alley scenario for The Algerian War, in the hope I'll get a game in next week.  
  • I attended the Echoes of History Show run by The Essex Historic Military Vehicle Association (HMVA) at the weekend.  This was at it's new site and very good it was too.  Whether it was the size of the site or the very hot weather but it didn't seem very busy and quite sedate.  From my perspective  this was great as I could have long chats with the exhibitors, learning all about recce jeeps and Samurai armour amongst other things.  Hats off to the reenactors and all the other people that were involved as they must have been boiling in their uniforms and kit.  The stalwarts of The Southern Skirmish Association American Civil War group still put on a battle in baking hot temperatures in the afternoon.  I was sweltered sitting there in shorts and t-shirt, goodness knows what they felt like running about in wool uniforms and full kit. What troopers!  


  • I added a couple of books to the collection this week:
    • First up was a copy of "Kohima 1944" an Osprey campaign which I picked up at the Echoes of History show.  This cost me the princely sum of £1 from the Boxted Airfield Museum stand.  Lovely people who were so enthusiastic about what they were doing.  I felt guilty as I would have paid more but I'll make sure I visit the museum and make a donation then.  
    • I also bought an Osprey Men-at-Arms "The Roman Army from Caesar to Trajan" from World of Books (who I buy a lot from).  This was £2.68 which was also a steal.  I have this as a PDF but it's always nice to have the real book.  


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