Algerian War project update

I reworked the bases of the Battlefield/Blitz Miniatures Moroccan Goumiers last week.  As explained here although these were WW2 era, they make very good ALN fighters for the Algerian War.

Eight were painted up straight out the pack as it were (although that was some 15 years ago if I remember right).  

Four had their heads swapped which was their second time, they're the Worzel Gummidge of wargames figures.  I replaced the original cast US M1917A1 helmet head with US M1s to make them suitable for fighting for the French in Indo-China.  They'll see more action as ALN in Algeria though.  

The head swaps aren't that great.  I rushed into it a bit and a couple look oversized.  I'll put it down to them having strange genetics.  You can probably spot them in the photos.  

All the bases were painted with patches of Dulux Sumatran Sunset dabbed onto the sand mix.  This was then drybrushed with my Dulux colour match of VMC Iraqi Sand.  The base was then washed with AP Strong Tone.  A further drybrush of Iraqi Sand followed and then I did a lighter drybrush of Citadel Dheneb Stone and VMC Pale Sand picking out individual stones and smaller patches. The foliage is different tones of static grass and some of my homemade clump foliage.  


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