Figures for ALN fighters Algerian War

If you've had the endurance to wade through my previous posts (here and here) you'll know I've wanted to game the Algerian War for a long, long time.  The main blocker has been that apart from the Elhiem French paras, there's no specific range of figures, particularly for the Armée de libération nationale (ALN).

This year I'm committed to getting on with this project.  I reviewed my books, studied what's online and took a look through my existing 20mm collection and I was pleasantly surprised how much was usable.  

First are these Liberation Miniatures Moroccans bought for the French in Indo-China.  They're perfect for ALN, dressed as they are in French M47 uniforms and armed with MAS36 rifles and Thompson M1A1 SMGs.  With their small North African style turbans they don't need any work apart from refinishing the bases.

Next up are these Battlefield Miniatures WW2 Moroccan Goums.  These were bought long ago to use as French Moroccan troops for the Indo-China War.  These are also perfect to use.  They're dressed in the traditional djellaba and cheche scarf wound as a turban and armed with US WW2 weapons.  Even better the rifles are the old Springfield 1903 which is as near to damn is to the Mauser 98K which appears in a lot of photos.  Once again all they need is the bases refinishing.  

I changed the M1917A1 helmeted heads on these four to US M1 helmets to make them more suitable for Indo-China.  But I'll be replacing them again to make them into ALN fighters.  One of these has even got a French FM24/29 LMG which is spot on of course as lots of French weapons were used. 

In the photo below you can see a Battlefield Miniatures Moroccan MMG team. I think the LMG is from  Liberation.   The top row of figures are Afghans from MJ Figures.  These are suitably armed with WW2 rifles but will need some work to make them right.  

The start of my ALN katiba

Unfortunately I've had no luck when trying to buy more of the above.  My emails to Battlefield Miniatures have been returned as undeliverable.  On looking on TMP there has been some question as to whether they are still going and also about Stuart's health.  That's a real shame as he was a good bloke and they did some great minis.  And although I've emailed Rolf at Liberation I've had no response.  Liberation were always challenging to buy from.  And MJ Figures seem to have disappeared too.  

If anyone has any updates on either Battlefield Miniatures or Liberation or recent experiences please let me know.  

However, I have now found another source of suitable figures, more on that later.


  1. I faced the same problems sourcing 20mm figures for the FLN. In the end, I converted quite a few from the Pegasus plastic set 'Germans in Berlin'. The teenage Hitler youth in man-sized greatcoats convert well (add a hood) to a baggy Algerian coat, and they have appropriate Mauser G.98s.

  2. I am not sure that "ALN" is correct. It was called "Front Nationale de Libération", or FLN. Do try to find "The Battle of Algiers" - a great movie, see:

    If in 28mm (I hope you still can change ;-)) the French paras by Empress - with their special caps - are great: (but of course the helmet ones are also good to be used).

    Please keep us informed ! Luc.

  3. Luc thanks for your comments,
    ALN is correct. It was the armed wing of the overall organisation which was as you state the FLN - see Windrow, Horne, Charbonnier etc. Yes, great film my copy has seen a lot of action!
    I agree the Empress Miniatures are great. I looked at them when they were originally released by Red Star Miniatures some years ago. They are very much Indo-China era paras and only really suitable for the earlier part of the Algerian conflict. Their armament of CR39 and FM24/29 was pretty much replaced by the MAS49/56 and AA52 respectively by 1957 in the intervention units such as the paras. If you want to game the period from when the intervention units such as the 1er REP were at their peak using helicopters, then the Empress Miniatures aren't right. Additionally as you'll know from watching The Battle of Algiers movie and contemporary photos, the paras uniforms had standardised on the various versions of the tenue de saut by this stage of the war. The Empress Figures are dressed in that marvellous mix of British. French and US clothing that epitomised the French dress in Indo-China.

    All the best
    Dr B


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