Indigenous fighters - French Indo-China

I completed the Battlezone Miniatures Native Resistance Fighters this week.  I originally bought them for the Algerian War project, but on close inspection upon arrival, the Oriental features and dress meant they're far more suitable for the French Indo-China War.  Therefore, I painted them up as some  indigenous irregulars fighting for the French such as the Hmong/Mong peoples. They're also sculpted in a very different style to the USMC Raiders.  They're much chunkier and taller and they fit better with the Liberation Miniatures figures which make up nearly all my Indo-China collection. 

The pack of seven contained one figure with a bush hat who makes a very good Groupement de commandos mixtes aéroportés soldier working with the irregulars as many bravely did.  I also added in the USMC Raider figure that I felt didn't work as an ALN fighter for the Algerian War.

The irregulars skin was painted first with Citadel Tallarn Flesh and then washed with AP Dark Tone.  Tallarn Flesh mixed with VGC Sunburn Flesh was then used to add some highlights.  For the French I painted them Citadel Tallarn Flesh washed with AP Flesh Wash.  Highlights were Tallarn Flesh and VMC Iraqi Sand added to varying degrees.

The irregulars clothing was AP Black highlighted with VMC German Fieldgrey WWII. The military uniform  clothing was VMC Russian Green with highlights added by varying proportions of VMC Green Grey,  The uniforms were washed with AP Military Shader.  

I used VGC Khaki washed with VGC Sepia for the webbing.  Any leather items were painted with Citadel Calthan or Vermin Brown washed with AP Dark Tone and then highlights with the base colour mixed with VMC Iraqi Sand.  The wooden areas of the weapons were VMC Flat Brown, with AP Matt Black for the metal.  

mes trois préférés

The bases were done with the same mix of foliage that I used on the jungle scatter I've been making for the last few months.  I think they work well enough.  Although I was initially disappointed they couldn't be used for Algeria I've turned it around and added an interesting little unit to my French Indo-China collection. 


  1. They've turned out great! I must say your wash-based technique is a good match for the rather impressionistic style of the ex-Sgt Major sculpts (though I was rather surprised by your comment regarding the discrepancy in heft between the two ranges given that they're the handiwork of the same chap).

    Will you be doing any Algerians for Indochina?

  2. Thanks for the kind words. That's interesting to know the same sculptor did both sets of figures as they are so different.

    I have some Liberation Minis Moroccans described here
    that I originally bought for Indo-China then were going to use as ALN in Algeria. But I may use them for Indo-China again.


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