Down on the Farm - Donnybrook Old West scenario AAR

Details of the scenario and forces can be found here.

I'm not going to do a turn by turn round up but just focus on the main events.  The first couple of turns the Lewis clan were deploying around the homestead as Captain Pew's men closed in on the farmhouse.

First blood was drawn by one of Captain Pew's unit of sailors.  The rabble were trying to outflank them and got caught in a musket volley.  It could have been worse but as they were skulking round the back of a building they got a saving roll.

The other unit of sailors advanced past the barn and engaged in a firefight with the unit of henchmen.

Meanwhile back on the other side of the farm the sailors and Sergeant Matthew Bonney were engaged in a fierce melee with the rabble of the Lewis clan.

In their fruitless search for the Governor's missing son, Master of Hounds Charles Aldridge and his hapless mutts came into contact with Big Herc and then William Lewis himself.  Big Herc fell to a savage dog attack.  Seeing his brother fall William Lewis shot a hound and then advanced on Aldridge.  It did not go well for the Master of Hounds who was beaten unconscious by William's vengeful attack.

By this stage the sailor unit by the barn had been wiped out by good musketry from the henchmen. 

And the other unit of sailors were surrounded and fighting for their lives against the rabble who were relishing in this dirty fighting (especially the woman with the full chamber pot)!  Spurred on by the devilish banjo of JD Lewis, their numbers told and the surviving sailor broke and ran.  

We were now entering the final acts.  After rendering the Master of Hounds unconscious, William Lewis now took a shot at Captain Tracey Pew.  He hit but it 'twas nothing but a scratch.  However, a fusillade from the henchman on the flank caught the captain and he was rendered unconscious.  The day went to the Lewis clan.

This was a really enjoyable game.  It's tradition for me to play a New Year wargame with my wife.  Alas the tradition of me getting soundly beaten also continued.  The cards and dice were in her favour as she led the Lewis clan to complete victory over Captain Pew's mercenaries.  She enjoyed the random and narrative flavour of Donnybrook far more than IGUGO games we've played in past years.  Quantity over quality definitely told.  But what happened to Captain Pew and Charles Aldridge?  Did Lewis despatch them?  Perhaps we'll find out later.  


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