28mm farm animals

In November I bought a pack of Warlord Games Farm Animals.  I wasn't particularly impressed with them at the time so they just sat in their box.  Having had a bit more time over the last weeks I've revisited them.

One of my particular gripes was that the moldings on the 2 piece animals didn't fit too well.  I got hold of some Vallejo Plastic Putty with a thin applicator nozzle and this sorted out the gaps.  You have to be very careful when cleaning up the mould lines as they are in the worst possible places such as down the pig's faces.  

For basing I mounted the donkeys on some 50mm pill shaped bases from the Warlord Blitzkrieg Germans set, the pigs on 2 pence pieces, the piglets 2 to a 2 pence base and the geese and hens 2 to 1 pence pieces.  

On their painting bases

I added the sand mix to the bases before  painting.  I didn't agonise too much about colours being guided by the images returned from Internet searches for the different animals. I turned these round quickly and enjoyed painting them. 

Free range beasts

I have to be honest and retract some of my earlier complaints as once painted they're not bad at all.  They should do nicely to add some interest for my Old West games.  I've still got cows, sheep, some ducks, dogs and cats to do but I've not got any use for these at the moment. 


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