Internet shopping - My alternative to Salute Pt 2

It's been a busy couple of weeks but not on the hobby front.  We're about to have some significant work done with the replacement of our central heating and water system which has taken a lot of time to prepare for.  Additionally the good days of working from home permanently are over.  All this has scuppered my planned excursion to Essex Miniatures to stock up on 16th Century figures.  However, I have bought a few things online.

First up was these bits for an Old West game.  I'd recently set up my Old West buildings and thought they looked a bit dull so got these bits to add some more interest and character.    

The Warlord Games plastic farm animals are sadly underwhelming.  There's a good variety of different types of beasts but the two sprues are identical.  And the sprues have a lot of mould lines where you really don't want them such as down the animal's faces.  For all the prep work I'll have to do I wish I'd bought some metal figures with more character.  

The positive thing about this was the way Wayland Games handled the order.  They messaged me to say that the wagon which formed part of my order was damaged.  I got that refunded quickly without any hassle and Wayland were good enough to honour the free postage even though the order was now below the £20 threshold.  I think these took just under the week to reach me which was pretty good considering we had to sort out the above mentioned complication.  

I quickly ordered some replacement wagons and also ordered a well from from Pendraken/Red Vectors via eBay and I'm much happier with these.  They fit together well and were quite cheap.  The only thing about these was they took 11 days to reach me.  Why I don't know as all my dealings with Pendraken before have been excellent.  It is the middle of show season so I suspect they're flat out.  

The final addition this week is Spring Awakening a supplement for Battlegroup. 

Interest in the Eastern Front from winter 1943 to the end of the war was what got me back into World War Two gaming after an absence of 25 years or so.  And along with the Narva campaign, the Hungarian campaign fascinates me.  The Battlegroup rules and supplements have good reviews so I picked this up for £9.00 from Amazon.  Regardless of whether I go on to buy the rules or not it's a nice reference work.

That's what's came through the letter box this week.  The total cost was more or less  the same as travel and entrance fee if I'd  gone to Salute.  There's more goodies on the way.


  1. My buddy bought that same animal set after I showed him a link. He had similar experiences with them not being what he expected and several were broken as well.

    1. Yes they are very flimsy as well. I won't be buying anymore!


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