The Great Tree Project, Phase Two - Preparation stage 1

Waiting for an order of figures to arrive has opened a window to start the next phase of The Great Tree Project.  To recap, I have a lot of different trees in various boxes around the house and this year I was determined to improve the look of them and make them easier to use for gaming.  I made a good start and that's been documented here and here.

The next batch is a bag of 25 Noch Gaugemaster mixed size trees.  

These were bought from Hunstanton Models, a glorious bricks and mortar model railway/model shop in Norfolk.  These shops are such a rare gem that whenever we go away I always look to see if there's a hobby shop to visit. 

Hunstanton Models with obligatory old fella

The trees had shed a lot of flock, perhaps because they'd been in their bag for 2 years,  I didn't want this going everywhere so first job was to sort this out.  A bit of Googling brought up that soaking in a PVA/water mix should fix it.  I tried brushing this on but it didn't seem very efficient so I opted for a dipping method.  Using my hi tech dipping machine (a cut down milk container) sped the process up no end.  Make sure you have a lot of newspaper down as this can get messy as the PVA does drip everywhere.  

Tree dipping in progress

Some of the trees were still a bit tacky a full 24 hours later so bit aware of this when dipping.  I'm not sure if this would take as long if spraying a mix on which is  what a lot of people seem to do. 


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