First Anglo-Sikh War, 20mm Sikh Dragoons

Hot on the heels of the British foot regiment I recently completed, here's my first Sikh unit, a regiment of dragoons.

Once again these are Newline Designs figures. I'm new to this period, but Newline seem to have a comprehensive range so I can get all I need from them. Bought as a unit deal they cost £9.80. Yes, £9.80 for 9 cavalry including horses and command figures. Bargain.

I did some minor conversion work on these. The officer has a head from a Sikh infantry NCO as I wanted to give him a fuller turban rather than the smaller style he was sculpted with. And three of the troopers have had their beards lengthened with green stuff. You can't have too big a beard!

These seemed to take a long time to do. I stuck the riders to the horses before priming and I'm not sure if this was the best thing to do. It's been a long time since I painted any cavalry larger than 10mm and I wasn't happy with the horses, so kept fiddling with the shading and highlights. I still need to source the flag/guidon for the standard bearer and make that but they're near enough complete.

The main thing slowing me down was that I didn't have enough reference material.  Therefore, I seemed to be spending as much time searching the Web for pictures as painting.  Thankfully there's some great blogs out there particularly Carryings on up the Dale and GA PA Great Northern War Gaming & Other Projects. I'd love a really comprehensive volume reference book on the uniforms for all combatants of these wars. 

They're based on 20mmx40mm bases from Warbases. I built the bases up with cheap ready mixed filler from a tub from Amazon and used the same sand mix, paints and Tajima tufts I used for the British.

I've got three Sikh Generals left to do and then I need to buy my next units.


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