The Great Tree Project, Phase One - Week One

Years ago (so long ago that I can't recall which year) I picked up a great big box of trees at a very good price at a local wargames show. All of them had thick wire trunks with some tape wrapped round, leaving varying millimetres of wire to stick in a base. They've served me well as they were simply stuck as needed in my terrain boards which are made of layers of polystyrene roof tiles. However, over the years the tiles have now begun to look combat weary. Additionally I've been working on making some flat terrain mats to lay on a table so there's no surface to stick the wire in. To keep up the good work of the last year in getting stuff done, I decided to finally sort this out and base all the trees. I wanted to do this with minimum of cost, but make some good looking terrain pieces that had some flexibility Day One (23/05) First step after rescuing the box from the loft was to check what I had. There's 19 large trees 14cm tall, 7 medium at 11cm tall and 4 sma...