Huzzah!!! century up

With the completion of four Wargames Atlantic Partisans (pictured) I've completed 100 figures so far this year. That was my total for all of 2020 so I'm chipper about that.

Here's the breakdown:

28mm - 24 total

Oathmark Dwarf Infanty (5)
Victrix Vikings (8)
Warlord Games WW2 Red Army Infantry (7)
Wargames Atlantic WW2 Partisans (4)

15mm - 10 total

Eureka WW2 Japanese (10)

10mm - 66 total

Newline Designs Republican Roman Velites (30)
Newline Designs Republican Roman Citizen Cavalry (12)
Newline Designs African Heavy Cavalry (12)
Newline Designs Spanish Cavalry (12)

The 10mm certainly helped to get the total up as I can turn these around quickly. 


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