28mm Victrix Unarmoured Rus

The latest figures I’ve completed were half a dozen Rus from Victrix.

These are all from the unarmoured frame.  In a full set you get equal numbers of unarmoured and armoured/command frames.  I bought one of each from The Sprue Shop last year.  These were lovely to work on.  The instruction/guide sheet was clear, all the parts went together well and they make excellent animated figures. 

I always like to do the bulk of my Dark Age figures with spears and shields.  Victrix provide plenty of sword arms and although this might make pretty figures, it's not really  accurate.  The scarcity of Norse Age sword finds shows that they were rare items.  It's the equivalent of giving all your Second World War Germans STG44s.  It may look "cool" but it's nonsense.  I did give a couple of the figures axes.  These look good and are more historically plausible.  

These will join the small Rus force I'm putting together for Ravenfeast.  Once the armoured figures (which are in progress) are finished I should have enough for a small game.  


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