
Showing posts from March, 2025

Wooded areas for small scales

As I've got the number of unpainted figures down to a very manageable level, I'm getting more time to work on terrain.  I'd been meaning to make wooded areas suitable for 6mm games for a while now and chose that as February's terrain project.   I was inspired by a video from that wargaming stalwart and all-round decent fella, Big Lee Hadley of Big Lee's Miniatures Adventures.  If you're thinking of doing similar I recommend watching Lee's video .  I thoroughly recommend Lee's YouTube  channel and his blog . The materials I used were: MDF bases; scourer pads; 2.5 mm diameter dowelling; scatter/clump foliage material; static grass; flock; sand mix; super glue and PVA glue.  Here's the steps: 1. Prepare the bases.  For the test piece I used a 90x52mm sized 3mm deep oval base.  I'd roughly bevelled the edge of each base using a Stanley knife with a tough blade and  then sanded each edge to increase the bevel when I'd made the winter trees (...