Yet more 28mm Dark Age warriors
February's first finished figures (try saying that when drunk), are this trio of Dark Ages warriors.
They're from the Victrix Ancient Germans kit. I bought a sprue of these in 2023 with an entirely different purpose for them. When that project was swiftly abandoned, I initially didn't know what to do with them. However, I've managed to shoehorn six of the eight figures into my Dark Ages forces where they'll be serving as Late-Romans, Goths or Norse.
All the parts are from the Ancient Germans, except for the heads. The bare heads are from the Unarmoured late-Romans set. The helmeted head is from the Vikings. I think all three could serve in most Dark Age armies, although I suppose if you were being picky you'd only use the helmeted warrior in a Norse force.
The left hands of the javelin throwers are cut and shut jobs, with a tiny joint at the wrist. I’m amazed they’re still attached and will have to be very careful using these in a game. I did contemplate doing some tattoos on the bare torsos, but didn’t want them to look like footballers.
I’ve got two of these left to do, they’re virtually naked apart from some nappy-type arrangement. I suppose they’ll work as some sort of fanatics or perhaps they’ll be used for Verrotwood. I'm sure I’ll use them somehow.
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