20mm EWM Red Army Infantry

My first finished miniatures of 2025 are a baker's dozen of 20mm Second World War Red Army infantry.  

These are all from Early War Miniatures, the sculpts originally being from Sgt. Major Miniatures.  I picked these three packs up along with two others from Battlezone Miniatures stand at Salute last year.  

They're all dressed in winter clothing.  There's a good mix of greatcoats and the padded jackets and helmets and padded hats.  Two of the figures were in all-in-one suits, so I chose to leave these until I work on the pack of similarly dressed assault engineers I've got.

I like these figures.  They're what I'd term "classic" wargames figures.  Maybe the proportions aren't great, maybe they're a bit cartoony and maybe the weapon are quite crudely done, but they've got bags of character which comes out as you paint them.  They're pretty robust too so should take handling during a game without any trouble.  They also fit in very well with my existing Red Army figures from Battlefield, New Line and Elhiem.  

Apart from the prone figure they're all based on 1p pieces, like a lot of my 20mm collection for different periods.  It's cheap and it just looks right.  The basing is deliberately basic.  Mixed sand painted with Leather Brown emulsion, drybrushed with AP Banshee Brown.  I didn't add any tufts so they would work in urban as well as rural games.


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