September 2024 hobby update

After a less than productive August, I went away for a week at the start of September. I'd started to get my hobby mojo back before I went, but being away really sharpened my enthusiasm for cracking on when I returned. Sod's law though since being back real life has been so busy that I've only managed to get in odd snatches of hobby time, with no games at all. Completed I've only completed three things this month: Early War Miniatures 20mm Pz IV H's. I'd finished the majority of the painting on these last month, and just had the crew, some extra details and the weathering to do early in September. Now they're all done I'm very happy with them and I’ve had some good feedback. I hadn’t painted a tank larger than 6mm for a good few years and it took me a while to get into it. It’s made me think about revisiting the tanks I made over 20 years ago and bringing them up to this standard. You can see more of the Pz IVs here . Anschluss Warga...