A quartet of critters for Burrows & Badgers

I’ve got out of the habit of posting completed work this year, so what better way to get back to it than with some B&B figures from Oathsworn Miniatures.  I started collecting these wonderful miniatures back in 2016 when I met Jo and Michael at Salute, but these are the first I’ve painted since 2019.  

I picked this quartet up at Salute last year and I just managed to finish them before their first birthdays!  If I’ve not started a miniature within 12/18 months I tend to question why I bought it and it’s then likely to be moved on.  This helps me to keep a perspective and keep the backlog manageable.  Not so with Oathsworn they’d never be moved on. 

First up is this lovely Fox Mage.  I have quite a few of the foxes.  The Red Fox is my favourite native mammal so it’s natural I’d collect a few of them.

Next in order of size we have the Black Rat Pi-rat.  This is the first rat in the collection.  I really like this mini he’s so full of character and like all of them was a joy to paint.

The Hedgehog Ganger is a really dynamic pose firing his pistol.  I thought  about giving him a checked jacket but played it safe.  The blue cap makes me think of a Scottish Covenanter and I’m not too sure it works, but overall I’m happy with him.

And last but by no means least we have a Mouse Witch Hunter.  This is my favourite of this bunch.  Michael sculpts beautiful miniatures but I think there’s something extra special about the mice.  I was really pleased how his overcoat came out.

Storage space and cost aside I would cheerfully buy all of these miniatures.  However, I only buy a few at a time and use them as a treat when I’ve completed a part of another project or I want a change.  I picked up another five last week at Salute 51 and I’m going to only paint one at a time now.  It was so nice to chat with Jo and see how successful Burrows & Badgers has been over the years from when I first met her.  It’s well deserved as they’re such nice people who work hard and provide a superb range and customer service.  

To finish here’s a shot of my entire collection.


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