April 2024 hobby update

I've had more time for hobbying this month. I finished off quite a lot and also spent a great day at Salute. Salute used to be a shopping trip for me but since writing the blog it's become more of a social event which has been really rewarding. This year I got to speak with a few more people that I correspond with online and we had the regular bloggers meet up. Thanks to Ray from onelover-ray.blogspot.com for the photo. Completed I've been whittling away at the Victrix Unarmoured Late-Romans set since last August and I finally got round to completing all the figures this month. First up were the 12 spear/sword/dart armed Romans. These had been painted a while back but I’d been procrastinating about shields. At the end of March I got my finger out and ordered all the Little Big Man shield transfers from Victrix and I’ve been adding those. The oval shield transfers are a bit fiddly to place correctly but a bit of paint has sorted the ones th...