March 2024 hobby update

It's been very busy this month in the real world and I was also away for the last week of March. This meant that I only managed to get a few decent length hobbying sessions in with the majority of my hobbying done in odd minutes here and there. This is the only blog post I've managed this month as I've still not had time to take some decent pictures of the figures that I completed last month. I'm hoping work will calm down in April and with the increased daylight I'm aiming to catch up, get some stuff finished and post more frequenly. Completed The only figures I completed were six Victrix Viking figures from the command sprue. The sprue contained two Beserkers and as this month's entry for The Plastic Crack Podcast Online Painting Challenge (OPC) was to complete a champion this pair of bruisers fitted the bill. Taking part in the OPC is working for me as it has helped me to focus. In progress Just before I went away I did make some good progress with...