20mm Second World War German Grenadiers

At Salute last year I picked up a packet of Early War Miniatures 20mm German Grenadiers for my late Second World War German Grenadier platoon.  These are Sergeant Major Miniatures sculpts now sold by the good people of EWM, although I think it was the Battlezone gents who were running the Salute stall.  

This was a squad pack with ten figures marked as being ready for Chain of Command.  There's an MG34 team, an NCO with an MP40, six K98 rifle armed grenadiers (some of which also have Panzerfausts) and one with a Panzerschreck.  I don't know why there was a Panzerschreck armed figure as this wouldn't really have been allocated at individual squad level and they were used by a two man team, but otherwise it's a good selection for the squad.  As there wasn't the applicable crew member I didn't base up this figure.     

I really like these sculpts.  They're probably not the greatest out there, but they have a lot of character and they fit in very well both in terms of style and size with my existing Battlefield Miniatures figures, which make up the vast majority of the platoon. They were also very good value being £7.50 for the pack. 

The figures are dressed in a mix of padded winter uniform and greatcoats.  I painted the winter uniforms camouflage side out as I use them for games set over the Autumn to Spring 1944-45.  

With the exception of the MG34 team who are on a 32mm washer, I based all the figures on 1p pieces.  These just look and feel right for 20mm and the price can't be beat!  I applied my usual sand mix, painted in Dulux emulsion matched as Vallejo Leather Brown and then drybrushed with Vallejo Model Colour Earth and then Army Painter Banshee Brown.  I didn't add any foliage as I also intend to use these for urban fighting and the muddy bases work well enough for that too. 

EWM sell this range in packs and also as individual figures.  I'll definitely be adding to my platoon, with some STG 44 armed figures and more riflemen.  I'll also add some more LMG teams so I can also field these as Panzer-Grenadiers.  

The complete platoon


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