November 2023 Hobby update

Quite a long update this month so buckle up and stick with it. I felt that I spent last month going up a blind alley, but now I'm back on track. I've finished a few things off and had a clear out which you can read about under Ramblings below. Completed I spent the first days of November finishing up the following: Wargames Atlantic First World War Germans. Great War Miniatures First World War Germans Warlord Games Second World War Winter Germans repurposed as First World War. You can see more photos and read about my thoughts on the above here . I then polished off some more Victrix figures: I completed five more of the Dark Age Archers that have been sitting around for awhile. I made two as generic Dark Age warriors and one as a Gothic archer. The other two I combined with parts from the late-Roman Archers sprue (see below) to make some staff slingers. While working on the above I made up the Late Roman Archers and Slingers sp...