28mm Gothic warriors

If you have read my previous posts ( here and here ) you'll know how much I enjoyed working on the Victrix Unarmoured Romans set. Keeping the momentum going I completed another batch. As with the first two batches I made these as Germanic warriors. However, with this quartet I used the parts that were specifically for Gothic warriors. These were the quickest to assemble of the batches as I just followed the suggestions on the assembly sheet. There's a pair of specific Goth arms to make three spear wielding warriors and a good number of head choices. I used the two with distinctive Germanic topknot hair (not the spiky hair I had in the '80s) and two helmeted heads. Annoyingly I broke the spear haft of the warrior on the far right, which isn't hard to do with these thin spears. It then pinged off again as I was taking the photos. I really couldn't be bothered to fix it again when I had them all set up for photos, so that's why it looks...